Sunday 13 April 2014

The Social TV Revolution - how far are we willing to go?

I am sure you've all heard the latest buzz on Social TV and how this is the next big thing! Interesting phenomenon this Social TV thing.

TVTechnology recently published an article on this, and stated that at least 19% Americans within the 15-54 age group come across social media TV mentions at least once a day. Personally, I haven't seen any of my few hundred "friends" on Facebook mention anything about TV shows - movies yes - but not TV shows. Maybe the fact that I live on the other side of the pond, or my friends aren't that into TV (which I doubt) or I don't fall into that marketing demographics to see these references.

I think this is still a very American sensation and is in it's infancy stage as well. But I was surprised to see Twitter buying France's Mesargraph and UK's SecondSync to step up its efforts in Europe. So I think I may be wrong in underestimating the Europeans, as its pretty obvious the undercurrent is there, a bit slow to catch up, but it's there.

What is fascinating how far away from reality we are moving? Or is this current social mediatised, multi-gadget-ed and round-the-clock-aware world the real one? Very surreal, but I guess you're either in or you're out. For me its a paradox, as on one hand we are ready to share our intimate thoughts and personal boundaries are almost blurred and on the other hand we are fiercer about privacy and security!

But then like every hype, is social media TV a bit too far along the adoption curve? According to an article by Seth Fiegerman on Mashable this new aspect has a long way to go. Couldn't agree more! I mean isn't a bit disruptive to watch and tweet at the same time? Even though I am a fan of multi-tasking, I find a bit absurd to relax and provide input (hopefully intelligent one) at the same time. Kind of refutes the point of watching TV, no?

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